"And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped."

-> The Term "Subject to Bleeding" indicates she was "assigned" to bleeding. It was her "lot in life" so-to-speak. Especially since nobody could heal her.

 And so the question should be asked - why did she come up behind Jesus with the intention to just touch the edge of his cloak?

 It's likely because she heard that this man "Jesus" was healing people of all sicknesses and diseases -- He was quite literally going to heal a man's daughter. But she didn't ask the LORD to heal her, she didn't cry out to God. 

 On the contrary, her mindset was, he has so much power, I'm sure if I just touch the edge of his cloak - I'll be healed. She felt/saw and wanted that spiritual power flowing inside her. And she sought after it - at all cost - even if its just the "edge of a cloak".

 And thus the saying, 

"Better is one day in your court, than a thousand elsewhere"

 Likewise, this woman wanted just "the edge of a cloak", the literal absolute minimum - and even that was overflowing power enough to heal her.

 Do we need a grand gesture from God to receive our healing? Or can we seek even the tiniest of tiny. Even a glimmer of his Spirit which is overflowing to our needs. Jesus will acknowledge those who seek him.

"Your faith has healed you. Go in peace."

Jesus is a willing helper to those who want to seek him. The only time I've seen Jesus say no - was to a Gentile Woman who by faith responded,

"But even the dogs eats the crumbs that fall off the table"

 Again, speaking to the bare minimum, the absolute minimum of what God gives. Literally the Crumbs. And because of her faith, she was given her salvation. 

 The key lesson is what Jesus preached,

"Don't be afraid; just believe,..."

 It's interesting because a lot of people focus on getting the "fullness of God" and wanting it in abundance. And I don't think its wrong to want more of God, in fact, I think its good to want more and more of God in your life. It's even written "Desire the Greater Gifts" from Paul.

 But we shouldn't discount the fact that the absolute minimum - the crumbs, the edge of a cloak, the one day in his court - is more than enough to change your life absolutely. Completely. But what is the key?

 The key is faith and thus your determination where if you don't see it - you yearn and go for that crumb, that edge, that tiny moment. Because even being in Jesus Presence, is life-changing. 

It filled these people with hope - that hope that turned into faith -- the faith that turned into action -- which in turn saved them.


"he (Jesus) gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases"

Jesus gave the Spiritual Power and the Authority to his disciples. What would that look like. 

Let's imagine Jesus turned to you and handed an ID Badge (effectively like a new position on the spiritual hierarchy) - you go - and when you do, you can tell demons to get going, and they have to. 

If you see a sick person, you're authorised to heal them because you are ranked higher than the illness.

If you have the power but no authority, it's pointless because its power you can't use.

If you have the authority but no power, your authority isn't respected.

With Authority and Power does Demons get cast out and Diseases cured. And thus proof positive that the Kingdom of god exists.


"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross DAILY and follow me"

Based on Jesus words, it's OK to pray daily to take up your cross and follow him. It's a daily choice and decision. It's interesting of Jesus terminology - because he uses the word "Cross" before he was crucified. (Like a Foreshadowing).

Take up his Cross has very strong imagery. I imagine some would be like you in Jesus position lugging that cross to Golgatha - lugging a heavy burden. 

So, what does take up his cross daily indicate? Well it indicates that you must be willing to deny yourself and take that one-way-trip daily. You know a lotta Christians and I think discussions puts "Extremist" in a bad light.

But to do something like to "deny himself and take up his cross daily" is an extremist action. Can you imagine denying yourself and dying every single day - for the sake of Christ? Of course, not physically but spiritually.

We live in a "Me" and "My" world. And that's why denying yourself is difficult but also important. Because if you deny yourself, then you stop looking into the "Me" and "My". 

Taking up a cross daily is like a reset. Reset your life and spirit Daily. Because those who loses his life for Jesus will find it.

So until you lose your life daily, you may not find it.


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