The Interesting Truth about Ruth

 In the situation of Ruth, There was nothing wrong with Orpah going back to the land of her people at the direction of Naomi. In fact, she encouraged it. She was not judged by Naomi any more or any less for it.

 But the thing is she did, and we never really hear much after that.

 Ruth on the other hand - clung to her. (When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her) - demonstrating both loyalty and empathy for her plight. She knew that she was not going to get married against following Naomi (or rather there was no "reward" for it). But she chose to help the Mom -- motives we don't know. 


The Blessing of God does not necessarily remove the task at hand. I think its easy to think about God's blessing being a "be-all, end-all" or an extreme move that changes lives forever. Which - it can be.

But sometimes, it may be as simple as finding favour and proceeding in the direction. When Boaz first met Ruth - He did not say, "I will tell the men to gather the grain for you" -- nor did he say "For the sake of Naomi, allow me to fill your storehouses."

Rather he said "my daughter, listen to me. Don't go and glean in another field..."

God does not always work in the extreme. But that does not mean God did not lend his assistance to Ruth.

Thus in our own lives, we must remember that just because it isn't an "extreme solution" and is small favors such as allowing you to work, or gaining favor in a Boss' eyes. These are all the assistance of God that many would yearn for.

For you never know what would happen, if you went elsewhere... "because in someone else's field you might be harmed."


Consider the argument of coincidences.

Ruth was blessed into going into a field owned by a kind man

The man allowed her provisions (through work), protection and even bountifulness.


Ruth is a story about heart and motivation. Whether its the end-goal or your character. 

- If Ruth had not been as loyal and went as Orpah did, this may not have happened

- If Ruth lived in the Modern Day and focused only on benefitting her, this may not have happened

- If Ruth grew tired of working and instead tried to "seduce" Boaz, this may not have happened

- If Ruth did not listen to Naomi, this may not have happened.

Ruth was able to do the things she did because of her character. She was humble, kind, never-seeking for her profit. And the LORD blessed her - and Ruth is in the family line of David.

I think we all should be more like Ruth - to be honest - one who puts others above themselves. Because note that even though Ruth did not seek out riches, riches was given to her as she proven herself.

Keep in mind - we do not know how long Ruth was gleaning wheat before Naomi said to her on that "one day".

Yet Ruth was given abundance through Boaz who even told workers to intentionally leave some grain behind for her. Then Ruth being faithful in what she has been given - was then given more and more and more.


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